Sunday, April 24, 2011

New NYKDLN things

Lots of awesome stuff happening on the NYKDLN front. First of all, take a look at this incredible video that Pop Culture Shaman made for the track "Shawnee" from In My Childhood:

Next, back in March "DUCKANDDAILNEW'" was initially self-released through bandcamp, and subsequently picked by Christian from HOLY PAGE, he threw that Tempe-touch on the artwork and released it, which ruled. Check the different art's below and listen to the track while you're at it.


Next up, there's "You're Driving Corporate Profits" a prequel to DUCKANDDAILNEW' and what will be soon be converted into a single track along with it, listen to that track below and I'll let you in on what's in store for those two tracks.

This summer, SEWAGE TAPES will be releasing an NYKDLN c20 entitled "Ailanthus Altissima and the Death of the Appalachian Hardwood" on which the A Side will be In My Childhood as one continuous track and the B Side will be You're Driving Corporate Profits/DUCKANDDAILNEW', also made into one continuous track. So stoked.

Fiiiiinnnaallllyyyy, here's this live, poorly-tape-recorded jam from last month. Quality suggests that there's nothing to be done with it other than to share and let people ride the groove, which is rather easy to do. Delayed drum machine with duck and dail interstellars.

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